One of my all-time favorite TV shows was a little known drama called
Relativity. I worshipped this show so much that I probably would've married it if I could. It starred Kimberly Williams and David Conrad and it was this great love story. Both went onto to do other stuff, but I've always been dying to meet David Conrad (
he was also in Miss Match and The Ghost Whisperer). When I imagined our meeting, however, I imagined he'd be fairly nice and that the photo would turn out well.

Sadly, he doesn't seem to be looking at the camera AT ALL (=
FAIL) and I look like a big ol' blur. Stupid camera. Another one bites the dust...I actually thought I might be calling David by the wrong name because he was so out of it...perhaps he'd just had a cocktail or two (
let's hope)? I'm sure the next time we meet we'll be instant besties. How could we not be?