Wednesday, December 31, 2008
New Year's Scrooge
Let's just lay it all out there: I'm not a fan of New Year's Eve. Never have been. Too much hype. Too many expectations. Always, always disappointment. In fact, aside from spending the Y2K NYE with my best friend, Lanette, and her husband, I don't remember ever enjoying a New Year's Eve. Ever. That's pretty sad, huh?
Now that I'm 100 and hate people (especially loud drunken people in the masses), I pretty much stay in and go to bed before midnight. Well, the before midnight part might be exaggerated (as my insomniac ways can never seem to get to bed before at least one), but you get the picture. I'll be home, crocheting, watching movies. You know, the usual. Drink a cold one for me (whether that be egg nog, martinelli's, or whatever your little heart desires). :)

Pinky's Fandance - Wednesday Edition

Yes Man? Yes, Please!

Celebrity Wrap Up, Wednesday Edition
Hello and welcome to today's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up.
Oh, Owen. You look so cold and wet. Here, let me dry you down with this handy towel I've been carrying around in my car on the off-chance I'd see you. It's your favorite color and everything. There, there. Should we go put you in a nice, hot shower? Yeah, that's what I thought.
Now that Ashlee Simpson is a mother (to BRONX MOWGLI, let's not forget), apparently she's decided to dress as matronly as possible. Take that shirt back to your grandmother's closet and start acting normal please.
Seriously, could Gwen Stefani's family be any cuter? Everything they do is magic. And they're even rocking old school skates!
Poor Suri. Look at her low hanging head and secret shame. Someone must have told her who she wsa related to. Bless her heart.
Thank you, Kate Hudson, for showing us how NOT to wear a hat. And did you borrow those leggings from Lindsay? NOT hot.

McP is a Fashionista

Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Leona Naess Rocks my World

Sappy Pink Heart

Only Cool People Wear Hats
Pinky's Fandance - Tuesday Edition
Last year while watching the movie Smart People at the Festival, I scored a Trifecta of celebrity pictures. I remember sitting there in the front row and talking to some annoying girl next to me (come on, they can't all be gems) about who we were trying to get pictures with. She was telling me how she was determined to get a picture with SJP. I laughed and said she looked like she'd be a B and I could only hope to get a picture with her
Flash forward to after the movie and I not only got a picture with SJP and her husband, Matthew Broderick (I think I've shared this story before??), but I went out back hoping upon hope that Dennis Quaid would make an appearance (where only the truly dedicated stand for autographs and pictures with the stars as they exit from the back). Get this - not only did he sign autographs with EVERYONE who waited (which is rare in that cold late at night), but he actually asked me after we took the picture, "Was that OK? Do you need another one?"
I was like, "You know what, DQ? We got it. We're good. Nicely done." OK, in truth, I probably muttered, "um, yeah, it's great, thanks" and then scurried away. Inside I was DYING - SJP, Ferris Bueller, AND DQ???? I thought I might burst!

Monday, December 29, 2008
Shmolive Garden Never Gets Old
As was our tradition in college (a million or so years ago) when we'd venture out to the Shmolive Garden on special occasions, Shmegan, Crusty (or Megan and Christi to the rest of the world) and I went out to dinner tonight. Since Crusty moved to Saint George a few years ago, we usually try to meet up during the holidays for some food and a little gift exchange. We always have the best time. 
Tonight's gift exchange was great and I made sure to take some pictures of us modelling our fun things. After our service-challenged dinner, we made our way over to the Nordstrom Rack and Payless for a little shopping. You know you're loving our hats. :)
Celebrity Wrap Up, Tuesday Edition
Hello and welcome to today's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up.
While I applaud Keri Russell's desire to lead a "normal" life and go to the market sans bodyguards, I do need to question her dressing up like a mushroom to do so. Also strange? Is that child a little too big for the papoose carrier, or is it just me?
Drew Barrymore's favorite thing about working on The Wedding Singer? The wardrobe. Apparently in lieu of pay, they let her keep all the outfits (the movie was set in 1985 for those of you just tuning in).
Every time I see this picture of Hugh Jackman, all I can think is, "Cha cha cha." I don't know why.
Oh, crap. She's really gone and done it now. Look at the holes in feet of Katie's tights. She has apparently lost her TC-programmed mind. Let us bow our heads in a moment of silence.
I had no idea the economic recession carried over to a Celebrity Recession. Have they officially run out of celebrities? What braniac decided Debbie (that's right, I said Debbie, NOT Debra) Gibson should put her hands in concrete? I have no words.

See, I Don't Hate Katie
Work? I Don't Wanna...

Sunday, December 28, 2008
Pinky's Fandance - Monday Edition
A few years ago, Jenny McCarthy had a movie in the Midnight Movie section of the Festival. I can't remember what it was called (but it was truly terrible, so I don't even want to inadvertently recommend it), but that's beside the point. Jenny wrote and starred in the film and her husband at the time (Jon Asher) directed it.
After the film, Jenny was so nice and posed with anyone who wanted in a picture. In fact, she posed with me twice, as the first attempt didn't look good at all (and kind of reminds me of the polaroid Farmer Ted took in Sixteen Candles).
I was happy she was willing to take another one - as she just seemed happy to pose with every member of the audience if they wanted. Now those are celebrities who make my day! :)

McHats are Fun

Celebrity Wrap Up, Monday Edition
In an effort to be a more productive member of the working force, I'm going to attempt to do most of my blogging from home the night before. Now, that's not to say I won't add a bit or two on breaks, but I'm going to try to do my daily features early. Plus, no one will have to wait in the morning. You know you're excited. :)
Dear Jenny McCarthy: I realize you're at the screening of your boyfriend's movie entitled Yes Man, but your hair is a world of NO. Love ya! Mean it.
Dear Dita Von Teese: Why do you eschew the sunlight? Are you a vampire? Seriously, your skin is translucent (and not in a good way). Perhaps you should see a doctor.
Dear Kate Walsh: I'm sorry your new husband apparently loves show tunes more than you and filed for divorce after a year of unwedded bliss, but is that an excuse to show up wearing every item of clothing available in the thrift store? Pull it together, sweetie.
Dear Christina Aguilera: The distracting and way-too-busy pattern of your dress isn't working. I can still see your hideous bangs and hair. Nice try, though.
Dear Rumer Willis: I'm sure it's hard to live in the shadow of your gorgeous parents, but showing off your ta-ta's is not the way to go. We can still see your face.

Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Pinky's Fandance - Sunday Edition
For the past week we've been talking about great picture opportunities with celebrities who were accomodating enough to pause and take a picture with me. But what about those who are not so kind and generous? Do all celebrities say yes to your photo request, Pinky? I'm glad you asked. The answer, sadly, is a resounding no. And so, to mix things up a little, I present the Top Five Douchebag Celebrities (aka The Ones Who Said No). 
A few years ago, I saw Ryan Reynolds walking down Main Street (here's a tip - if you don't want your picture taken and/or don't want to pose with fans like the douchebag that you are, DO NOT walk Main Street) and made the mistake of asking for a picture. His response, "I'm in a hurry." Man, I loved that guy on Two Guys a Girl and a Pizza Place. Too bad he dumped Alanis and turned into a prick.
Kim Kardashian was the first celebrity (I use that term loosely to say the least) I saw at the Festival last year. When I asked for a picture, she said no, she was trying to get somewhere (meanwhile, her and Reggie Bush were leisurely walking down Main Street luring the paparrazi to take their pictures). I wanted to scream after her and say, "I didn't really want your stupid picture anyway, but you were here and I thought I'd flatter you. FINE, be that way. I don't even like you." Yeah, that'll teach her to say no to the Pink.
Based on his adorable character on Sweet Home Alabama, I mistakenly assumed Josh Lucas would be just as adorable in real life. Wrong. He was so classy that when I asked for a picture, he wouldn't even look at me, just hung his head low and pretended I didn't exist. Finally his manager said, "It's not a good time right now." Um, OK....
Kirsten Dunst (terrible picture completely intentional) was a total bitch at last year's festival. I'm not just saying that because she rejected me (The horror! The audacity! The nerve!). I heard several stories which claimed she started screaming, "I'm not an animal! Leave me alone!" Whoo. Guess it's tough to have a movie you directed in the festival. When I asked her for a picture, she said, "Not right now" (mind you, it was just her and me on the steps, no one around for miles, her obviously not busy or rushing to anything). I wanted to say, "Oh, would another time be better? Because, you're right, I run into you on the street ALL the time. I'll just check back again." Pshaw.
And finally, the biggest Douchebag of them all (capitalization of Douchebag completely intentional), I present Samuel L. Jackson, the only celebrity to give me such a tainted and rude look he actually made me cry. You should be ashamed of yourself, you prick bastard. Stupid purple beret wearing idiot. Perhaps one day I'll share the entire story, but I don't feel like rehashing it tonight. Suffice it to say, he ranks almost lower than TC on my radar (and that's saying A LOT).

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