Sunday, August 31, 2008
Zoey Chocolate Face
Policitally Ignorant
My mind is full of a bunch of random, trivial information. For example, if you'd like me to name any of the past winners and runners up from "The Bachelor," I'm your girl. If you were wondering the name of some celebrity's child (or even their bastard, hidden child), I can probably name it in two seconds flat. If you were wondering the history of "Days of our Lives" and who's married to who, call the Pink. However, if you'd like to engage in any sort of intelligent political discussion, keep on walking.

I've never been into politics and I don't plan to start now. Everyone seems all fired up about the election and that's fantastic, but it's still not going to get me to dust off the old library card and start researching the issues. I just don't care that much. No, it's not apathy, per se, I just have lots of other things I'd rather spend my time thinking about. Much like my anti-Olympic stand, I fear I'm going to be called anti-American, but there it is.
Back in the SLC

Top Seven Postsecrets of the Day
I just wanted to point out that recently there have been an influx of Facebook referenced someecards, Founds, and Postsecrets. Coincidence? I think not. My theory is that the entire world is in a Facebook-induced frenzy. See, it's not just me!

Saturday, August 30, 2008
A Zoey-rific Birthday Cake
Check out the super cute birthday cake my sister-in-law made for Zoey's pool party. Don't you love the bikini-wearing teddy grahams lounging by the pool??
28 Reasons to Scratch My Head
Um, 28 just texted and called. Really? The second I leave town? Wow, that's impressive. I suppose I should just start counting down to Biter's call tomorrow as well, since his lowjack on me should be emitting a pink signal indicating I've flown the coop.

UPDATE: Not only did Biter call yesterday, but I got an email from Stalker and a text from Flaker. Wow. That was quite a communicative weekend!
Friday, August 29, 2008
Safe and Sound
I finally made it to Delta after a brief detour filled with a plethora of swearing (read: I got lost). It was a long day and an even longer drive. I'm wiped out. Sorry for the obscure and puzzling Walkers reference earlier - no, Crusty, it has nothing to do with my ex-husband (and I'm sorry for being anti-tag, but if I did one I'd have to do them all and that would get old very quickly - I'm just trying to keep my loyal readers in mind). Perhaps one day I'll elaborate on its meaning, but for now just know that I'm haunted by all things Walker related.

Off to bed, as I fear the kids will be up five minutes after I fall asleep (or at least it'll feel that way). Sweet dreams one and all.
This Made Me Laugh Out Loud
We're having these "Color Wars" at work today where you're supposed to wear your favorite team's colors, so of course everyone seems to be wearing blue (for BYU) and red (for the U of U). Someone (obviously a U of U fan) sent this out to everyone and I couldn't help but share.

Finds of the Day
From and, the following treasures:

Can I just tell you how much I love that someone used Facebook as a way to break-up with someone? I don't know why I think that's funny, perhaps it's the Facebook-induced coma I'm in?
Poor little flasher girl....
Do you think they mean Ross from Friends?
Worse than a Facebook break-up? Um, a post-it note. Yikes.
I think someone isn't a big fan of Denise....

Lessons Learned

It's interesting to me to be sitting here almost a year later and have Triangle not really affect me. Oh, sure, I was upset when he got engaged, but I recently looked at his engagement pictures (on Facebook, of course - where else?) and they didn't bother me. At all. He looked happy, they seemed well suited for each other, and somehow my heart let him go. Just like that.
Now, considering I never get over anyone (what?!!? I'm completely shocked by that!), this was huge. And, I can look back and see what being with him taught me, what I was meant to learn from our brief relationship, and be grateful for our time together. Yes, that's right, I said grateful. Not bitter. Not enraged. Not confused. Grateful and happy.

So, I'm trying to apply the same logic (who, me? Logical?) to my other relationships - new, old, or ongoing. What was I meant to learn? How can we best help each other? This way, perhaps I can realize that every person I meet isn't my TLF and meant to be with forever. Perhaps my little heart will stop hoarding people, places, and memories and give me a moment of peace? I'm not sure, but I'd like to think it's possible. If it could happen with Triangle, it can happen with anyone, right?
When Work Gets Slow....

Inspirational Thought of the Day
On the road to happiness, stop and be happy

(wow, sounds so simple, doesn't it?). I took this picture the other day - I loved how the clouds took on a pinkish hue in the middle of the day.
McP and the Pink (Eye, that is)

Thursday, August 28, 2008
Facebook, Facebook, How I Love You So

Of course, when people ask me what the big deal is, or why I love it so much more than myspace (or anything, for that matter), I can't really put it into words. How do you describe true love?
Bretty & Jimmy - you're up next! :)
An Open Letter to Jessica Simpson

Today I opened my People magazine and saw your picture on the cover next to the words, "How I Found Love Again." You go on to declare that: "Tony Romo is the love of my life." Are you kidding me? Have you learned nothing from The Newlyweds debacle? Why must you curse yourself so? While I generally dislike everything about you and hate the fact that I'm even referencing you on my blog today, I felt strongly about asking you just what the hell is going through that overly processed, bleached blonde head of yours? Have you no shame? Why pimp out yet another relationship? You know that just jinxes it. You know you're going to end up alone and living with your perverted, way-too-involved, holier than thou father.
I had hope for you that you'd learned your lesson, or that perhaps your sister's good fortune would rub off on you, but, alas, that's not to be.
Hard times, Simpson. Hard times.
A concerned and disgusted non-fan
Once Upon a Time I Had the MJ Love

Miss Conception

Happy Anniversary, Mom and Mike!!!

Look how small Spenser was - can you believe he'll be 11 in a few weeks?!?!
My brothers were both on their missions, so we had to have them be there in proxy.
Dusting Off the Old Photo Albums
I was going through some old pics last night (which seems to be a standard evening lately) and found a few gems.
I got this flamingo in Tijuana. This picture makes me laugh because I was trying to make it look I was somewhere in the wild with the flamingo. I totally fooled you, right? :)
Santa didn't seem to impress me, but you gotta love the overalls. Doesn't my sister look like a life-size doll?
This was one night in San Diego. The guy in front is my good friend Joe (who went to that wedding with me in San Diego). I loved his long hair.

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