Hello and welcome to Thursday's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up.

Freaking economy. You know things are rough when Ben Affleck and Kevin Costner start taking side jobs doing construction work.

Thank you, SJP, for doing your hair today
(or at least providing the illusion of having your hair done by disguising it in your hat). You do seem to be rather accessory heavy today, though. I'm just saying.

One of these things is a beautiful, pregnant, glowing supermodel and the other one is no longer recognizable as human.

OK, OK, you caught me. I only posted this picture so I could start saying his name again. Cam Gig-a-dent. Cam Gig-a-dent. Cam Gig-a-dent. I love how it just rolls off the tongue. :)

When did Mel Gibson start dating the Octo-Mom?