Nick Rhodes, here I come! Today I decided to splurge and use the rest of my birthday money to go down to Las Vegas next weekend and see my beloved Duran Duran play in concert at The Palm. I. Can. Not. Wait!!!! I triple love Duran Duran (as we all know) and despite seeing them

in concert like a million times, I'll go until I'm 90 (which might be hard, since they will probably be dead by then.....still....you get the picture). Of course, my dream in life is to get a picture (
with the band as a whole, or just Nick would suffice). Can't I be some sort of Make a Wish person
(does a broken heart count?) and have someone arrange this for me? That'd be GREAT. Oh, Duran Duran...I love you so.
Yea for Pinky!! So happy you are going to make the most of your b-day money and have a BLAST with your beloved Duran Duran!
Woo hoo! I can't think of a better way to spend your birthday money! You would cringe at the amount of cash I have dropped on these boys...just during the last 12 months alone! Arrrrgh! I haven't met them yet either...but MAYBE this go round! See you at The Palms!! I hope you have a GREAT time!! I know I will.....
Hey Robyn - Not sure who you are (or how you found this blog), but any fellow DD lover is a friend of mine for sure! Where are you sitting? It'd be nice to have a friendly face there (and maybe a fellow afficianado to go seek out the band??). :)
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