Sunday, January 12, 2014

Where It All Began

I was thinking about my celebrity picture hobby recently - especially in light of it being award's season and all the activity all around LA. Celebrities are everywhere. It's awesome. But it wasn't that long ago (OK, 13 years) when I would spend oodles of time looking at pictures in magazines of celebrities frolicking at Sundance. I wanted to do that. It seemed like so much fun. At the time I had no background in anything having to do with film or planning, but I knew I had to be involved. So, I applied for a job and, to my surprise, I was hired. 
That was my very first Sundance - back in 2002 - and I fell in love. After that, I came to volunteer and after many, many years and too many films to count, I started to get the hang of the :pictures with celebrities" thing. It was there that I first had a celebrity (James LeGros) suggest that I didn't need to take a picture just OF him, he'd be happy to take one WITH me (what?!! That was remarkable news!). It was there that my friend Scotty made a short film about me (called Pinky's Fandance - you can find it on YouTube). And it was there where I met many of my good friends that I still have to this day. Because of my experiences at Sundance and the people I met, I moved to LA and ended up having my happily ever after. What could be wrong with that? Needless to say, Sundance will always hold a special place in my heart.

1 comment:

Gaynor Paynter said...

Love this, man I am such a fan of everybody and everything as well! Gaynor Paynter Pop Speaking