Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Read This: Jason Priestley: A Memoir

When I was at the book store the other day, it occurred to me that the new memoir (not mem-WHAAA as the lady kept pronouncing at the book signing) by Jason Priestley would be an excellent birthday present for my 90210-loving sister. So, instead of having the book personalized to me, I had it made out to her (with the added bonus of "Happy Birthday!" being included - score!). Since her birthday is this weekend and I wanted to read the book, as well, I used my time off yesterday to breeze through it. Luckily the chapters are very short (and each chapter began with a zip code, which I loved), so I was able to get through it quickly. 
There were many things that surprised me in the book - including his friendships with Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt, and Bradley Cooper. Who knew they all hung out with Brandon Walsh? I loved how he dished in a way that he was stating facts and not really mudslinging and I enjoyed his pictures (although I would've liked even more). I'm also in the middle of Rob Lowe's new book, Love Life, but that had to take a temporary backseat while I finished this one. I really enjoyed it, though, so if you get a chance, check it out!

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