Friday, November 7, 2014

Monterey Bay Aquarium

Because we're huge dorks, we found these fish hats in Cambria at some random gas station and had to have them to wear to the Monterey Bay Aquarium. They were actually such a hit, we probably could have sold a ton.
Here we are about to leave on our adventures for the day.
The view from the street outside the aquarium.
More pretty ocean views.
It's a Pinky trap!
Cheesy cheese.
I warned you about the kissing pics.
I always enjoy my artwork with a side order of guilt.
Are they calling the ocean a drama queen?
He's the cutest!
We're not so bad ourselves (it's totally the hats!).  
Pretty fishies.
Apparently large aquariums are not conducive to selfies.
I loved all the pink stuff (of course). 
Poor clam. How do they know he was boring?
This seemed in poor taste in the middle of the aquarium...
Nope, not a screensaver.
More pink!
The cutest!

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