Tuesday, September 10, 2013

New Purse

OK, I'll admit it: I have a problem with purses. I'm too rough with them, I cram them full of two much stuff, and I never have the right size (they're either way too big or way too small). Inevitably, the strap breaks because I've stuck a small tire in there....
This time I'm hoping to fix all that with my latest purse purchase - this super cute Hello Kitty purse! It has a spot for my iPhone, my lipstick, my Tic Tacs. Really, what else does a girl need?

1 comment:

Heather said...

Ok, so I am just finding your blog and we seem to have a LOT in common :) I see you're engaged to one of my favorite actors as well! Awesome!! I too love pink (it's an illness really), Hello Kitty, celeb anything etc etc. Very cool blog you've got going on here. Just wanted to say hello :)