Monday, September 16, 2013

Forty Days Away (and a Little Side Rant)

Friends, I'm SO excited to report that I'm only 40 short days away from becoming Pinky Lovejoy Coogan. 
Just look at this handsome man...I can hardly believe he's going to be my husband. Am I the luckiest girl in the world, or what?
That being said, I was JUST starting to feel pretty calm, cool, and collected about the whole wedding thing...that is, until the RSVPs started coming in. Why do people feel the need to put a "plus one" when they weren't invited to have a "plus one?" I don't understand. Have some respect. I would NEVER bring someone to a wedding unless my invitation said, "Pinky Lovejoy + Keith Coogan" or "Pinky Lovejoy & Guest." Now I'm in the oh-so-awkward position of tracking people down and telling them their "plus one" isn't invited. Ouch. Now I feel like a big ol' jerk, thanks. Why can't people just follow directions?!!?

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