Monday, October 22, 2012

The Longest Way Home

I'm SO glad I decided to rally and leave my house yesterday. There was a part of me thinking, "Oh, I just saw Andrew McCarthy, do I really need to go again?" but then I snapped out of it and realized it was Andrew McCarthy and got my butt in the car.
Plus, my cute friends Lavonna and Kim are here visiting from Ohio and I was going to get to see them. How could I resist? Sammy and I headed to Santa Monica for the book signing and hoped for the best.
I'd actually been looking for the book to purchase and get signed, but wherever I looked was sold out. To my surprise and delight, Lavonna and Kim surprised me by getting me one signed! Wahoo! How great is that? As I'm almost done with the John Taylor book, I'm excited to move onto Andrew's book. Hooray!
Loving his signature!
Not satisfied with just one thing signed, I went in and had him sign my '80s picture collage. The only problem? I'll never get the rest of them to sign their pics. Oh, well. At least I've got one signature on it! :)
Yes, I know, I already shared this picture, but how could I resist?! I LOVE him!

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