Sunday, February 10, 2019

A Day of Adventure

After an epic meltdown over having to stop playing cars and actually go around more of the park, we made it over to the adventure area.
I never really understood the need for an outside activity area until I saw how much Zane needed to run around and play.
He must've gone down this slide a million times. So cute! He loved it!
We even got to see Chip and Dale!
After that, we headed over to Disneyland where we took a great ride on the train all around the park. 
I loved how they had so many heart decorations! So fun!
Here's Zane showing off his Buzz Lightyear doll.
We ended our day at McDonald's where a stranger bought my sister's meal! 
 I'd forgotten to get a sister pic earlier, so we grabbed one in the restaurant.
Apparently, we tuckered him out!

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