Sunday, March 27, 2011

Molly Ringwald: FAIL

Despite my relative success with meeting some of my favorite actors and icons over the past decade, the one who's always eluded me is Molly Ringwald. Although I've gone to events she was scheduled to attend, I've never seen her in person and, in fact, have only heard bad things about how she is to fans.

Now don't look at me like that, Molly, you know it's true. Of course, I never wanted to believe the rumors, having watched everything she's ever done and even owning her book. I love Molly. I want us to be BFFs. Imagine my surprise to run into her today at the beach by pure and total accident. I must've looked like a deer in headlights when I saw her - totally frozen and in wonderment of her being right in front of me. Molly Freaking Ringwald people! AKA Samantha Baker from Sixteen Candles, Claire Standish from The Breakfast Club, and Andie Walsh from Pretty in Pink.

Did I think she was still going to look and act like Samantha Baker? Of course not.

In truth, she looked a lot like this - only with a different outfit, less make-up, and a look on her face more like she wanted me dead than the smile she has here.

Yeah, a little more like this, but a lot more, "Die and never speak to me again, you troll" in her tone of voice.

Combine this fury

with this bewilderment

add this crusty look

and add this last, final touch of la-dee-da and you'll get the perfect combination of our encounter today. Was it great? No, sir. Would I do it again? Hell, yes. After all, she IS Molly Ringwald. How often does she randomly cross your path? Even if she won't take a picture with me, it didn't hurt to ask, right? Actually, it did hurt a teeny, tiny bit. I almost cried. Shhhh. Don't tell. Hopefully someday my dreams will come true and Molly will happily pose for a picture with me. A girl can hope, right? Also, it's the least she can do for making me sit through Fresh Horses.

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