Monday, December 31, 2018

Happy New Year's Eve!!!

I was supposed to work today, but decided instead to have four days off in a row. Hooray!
See you next year! Happy New Year's Eve!

Christmas #3

We made it to my Dad's around 3:30...which would be great if for some reason he didn't somehow decide (but didn't tell us) that dinner would be at 1:30. FAIL.
Still, we managed to have a great time and Dad's steak was out of this world. YUM.
How cute is this diarama Erin made for Spens? Love it!
Zane wanted his "Knuckle Keith" to stay over.
This picture turned out pretty cute!

Pinky's Fandance - Josh Kelly

Loved seeing Josh Kelly again at the Lifetime Christmas movie kickoff. I had no idea he was dating Bethany Joy Lenz, but they were adorable together at the party.
As I just watched Christmas Bells are Ringing the other night, I thought it was perfect timing to share our most recent pic.

Christmas #2

On Christmas Eve morning, we left my Mom's house and headed to Keith's Mom's house....five hours away.
At least we had these festive hats!
Plus, the drive was beautiful.
Found some fun lights in the neighborhood there, as well.
This is my fave movie of Keith's.
Christmas morning photo session before our final stop! Fun times!

Celebrity Wrap Up - Tuesday Edition

Hello and welcome to Tuesday's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up.
Every time I see a picture of him, all I can think about is his saying, "Say hi to your mother for me."
 I don't think I'll ever understand her draw. I just don't get it.
That's a lot of plaid.
Egads. That's horrendous.
I love that these two are besties!


Aside from seeing my Mom and Mike, I was really excited to see my cousins over in Utah who were visiting their Mom (my Mom's sister, Judi). 
Stephanie and Netty.
Cousin Mike.
Sisters x2.
Mike and Netty.
Bret (Steph's hubby) and Mike.
Cousin Stephanie.
All four Berry cousins together.
Cousin Dave and Steph.
Cousin Netters.
Netty's oldest son, Bubbalicious (OK, fine, his real name is Clay).
Netty and Keith.
Steph and Lara (Dave's wife).
My Mom and her namesake - Netty Jayne. So fun to see everyone! Wish it was longer.