New Year's Eve

Although we were invited to a New Year's party in my hometown, we've decided to stay in town and celebrate on our own.
The drive just feels too long and, honestly, this type of scene just doesn't do it for my anymore:
Ugh. I'd much rather be snuggled up to my hot husband all alone in our house. Happy New Year's Eve!

Pinky's Fandance - Jodie Foster

One of the biggest names I met this year was the multi-talented Jodie Foster. What a dream come true!
Even better? She's been directing some episodes of Orange is the New Black - so, obviously, she's got great taste!

Watch This: Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce

With all my usual TV on hiatus, I recently started watching a new show on Bravo called Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce. I love it! 
The story is about a writer of "Girlfriend's Guide" books who's going through a divorce while trying to raise her kids and get back into the dating world. It focuses on her new friends, also divorced, who are the best part of the show. Actually, the whole show is fun. I love all the characters (including the ex-husband who I used to love on Private Practice). 
It airs weekly on Tuesday nights and is instantly addictive. Try it out! You can thank me later.

Celebrity Wrap Up - Friday Edition

Hello and welcome to Friday's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up.
 I want to own a dress in that fabric. It's incredible.
It's a Christmas miracle! She shaved her eyebrows! Hooray!!!
Dressed down always looks so odd on Katy. I much prefer the brightly colored crazy-pants version.
We can see through your dress. Egads. Go home and change.
Did one of the sisters from Xanadu get lost?

Hello Kitty SnowGlobe

As anyone who knows me probably knows (or maybe they don't; I really don't make it a happen to announce it to the world as much as I should): I love snowglobes. Love them. We have a perfect place to display them in our house right now and it makes me happy to see them every day.
My amazing husband somehow found this adorable snowglobe and surprised me with it for Christmas. I love it! Isn't it gorgeous? Thanks, babe!

Pinky's Fandance - Michael Fassbender

As this year wraps up, I thought we'd take a look back at the way my year began: with a fabulous picture with Michael Fassbender (swoon).
I mean, come on. That smile. Those eyes. How his arm is wrapped around me. You better believe I was smiling big! :)

Your DD Fix

Just in case you were wondering where all the DD on this site went, fear no more. The band posted this beautiful photo for the holidays and I have one thing to say about it: YUM.
Well, specifically, YUM Nick. Are there other people in the picture?

Celebrity Wrap Up - Thursday Edition

Hello and welcome to Thursday's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up.
Do you think he makes people call him Pa?
Gwen knows that there's nothing better than lipstick to complete your outfit.
This dress looks like a kaleidoscope.
Remember when Tay-Tay looked like this?
That dress looks like candy and I love it.

Christmas with the In-Laws

After we saw my brother, we drove over to see Keith's mom, step-dad, Rob, and brother, Kelly.
We had a fun gift exchange at their house and then headed out for yummy sushi. Delicious! We had a great time!

Pinky's Fandance - Ethan Hawke

Looking back over this year, meeting Ethan Hawke was a pretty big moment for me.
To say I cried would be an understatement. I totally lose my shizz. Thankfully (?) Keith has it all on tape (!).

Christmas with my Brother

We drove down to my brother's place on Saturday to see his family and exchange gifts.
We met up at delicious Cafe Rio - yum! Apparently, bunny ears are all the rage.
Obviously, babies love me.
Jay and James.
Super cute family pic!
Uncle Keith looking adorable.
With our precious niece and nephews.
Vauri and baby Andrew.
Ava Lou.
Ava showing off her bike (with an assist from her brother in the background).

Super fun time!

Celebrity Wrap Up - Wednesday Edition

Hello and welcome to Wednesday's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up.
Well, Merry Christmas one and all!
I'll never get used to clean-shaven Bradley.
Are there any fur coats left in Aspen?
The only nice thing I can say about this picture is that the color of her jacket is pretty.
Oh, stop. No one believes you're surprised to see a photographer there, Mariah. Nice try.